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Student Cancellation

Summer Abroad Internships - Student Cancellation

Please do not submit your enrollment if you do not intend to participate in a Summer Abroad Internships program. The cancellation policy outlined below applies to all students, including those planning to use financial aid.

Note: The cancellation policy is also in the Program Specific Guide and Study Abroad Participant Contract.

Cancellation Policy and Deadlines

The $300 deposit is NOT refundable under any circumstance.

February 7 – May 8: If you cancel from February 7, 2025 through May 8, 2025, you will be charged and liable for:

  • $300 non-refundable deposit
  • 50% of the Accommodations & Services Abroad Fee (amount varies by program; often thousands of dollars)

May 9 – June 14: If you cancel from May 9, 2025 through June 14, 2025, you will be charged and liable for:

  • $300 non-refundable deposit
  • 100% of the Accommodations & Services Abroad Fee (amount varies by program; often thousands of dollars)

June 15 (and after): If you cancel on or after June 15, 2025, you are liable for ALL Program Fees:

  • $300 non-refundable deposit
  • 100% of the Accommodations & Services Abroad Fee (amount varies by program; often thousands of dollars)
  • Balance of Study Abroad Administrative Fee
  • Course Fee*
  • UC Davis Summer Campus Fee*
If Cancellation Form is received
 February 7, 2025 through May 8, 2025May 9, 2025 through  June 14, 2025On or after June 15, 2025
Summer Abroad Internships Deposit100% Charged / Not Refunded100% Charged / Not Refunded100% Charged / Not Refunded
Accommodations and Services Abroad Fee (varies by program)50% Charged / Not Refunded100% Charged / Not Refunded100% Charged / Not Refunded
Balance of Study Abroad Administrative Fee100% Refund100% Refund100% Charged / Not Refunded
Course Fee*100% Refund100% Refund100% Charged / Not Refunded
UC Davis Summer Campus Fee*100% Refund100% Refund100% Charged / Not Refunded

* Estimated—Subject to Regental, legislative, and gubernatorial action and may change without notice.

How to Cancel Your Enrollment

If you would like to cancel your enrollment in a Summer Abroad Internships program, complete the following steps:

  1. Login to your Study Abroad Account
  2. Click on "My Enrollments"
  3. Click on "My Resources"
  4. Click on "Next Steps for Requesting a Cancellation Form"

After requesting the form, you will receive an email with the next steps for completing the official cancellation form and process.

Cancellations are effective the date the form is received by UC Davis Study Abroad and NOT the date the form is requested. If you fail to officially cancel from the program, you will be charged for all program fees. There are no refunds for non-attendance.

All cancellations are subject to the Cancellation Policy and Deadlines (above).

  • Withdrawal While Abroad
  • To withdraw from the program while it is in progress, you must fill out a Cancellation Form (request the form via the steps listed above). There are NO refunds for withdrawals while a program is in progress under any circumstances.

    Non-attendance is NOT a form of cancellation. There are no refunds for non-attendance. You will still be liable for all fees according to the cancellation policy and deadlines above and will not be reimbursed for travel-related expenses including airfare, passport fees or other costs.

    You will be responsible for all expenses incurred during your stay. You will be expected to pay all in-country bills, including phone bills, rent, overdue books, etc. In addition, financial aid may have to be returned and you may have to begin repayment of loans.

    If you cancel or are administratively withdrawn from a program while it is in session, you will not be able to finish coursework remotely. You will be fully withdrawn from the program and courses and will be liable for all fees according to the cancellation policy.

    Failure to resolve any outstanding financial obligations abroad may result in a hold on future registration and may impose other consequences. Unpaid bills may compromise your standing with the University of California.
  • Cancellation of a Program by Study Abroad
  • Study Abroad may cancel a program due to safety concerns, low enrollment, or other reasons that make continuation of a program in the planned location difficult. If you program is cancelled, you will have the option of transferring to another open program or cancelling your enrollment.

    Your $300 deposit will be refunded if Study Abroad cancels your program and you choose not to participate in an alternate offering. Study Abroad will not refund the cost of any airfare purchased, therefore you should not purchase your airfare before you are advised to do so by your Program Coordinator.
  • Administrative Withdrawal
  • Failure to adhere to any contract policies, academic requirements, to submit required paperwork or attend mandatory meetings could result in Administrative Withdrawal. If you are Administratively Withdrawn, you will remain liable for fees according to the cancellation schedule.

    If you are withdrawn once you are abroad, consequences include receiving an "F" in all your courses and being withdrawn from the University of California, Davis. In addition, you will not be able to receive a refund of program fees, and you may be required to refund any financial aid money already advanced to you.
